HAVELKA, O. aj. Laser-synthesized FeBi nanoparticles for the efficient photocatalytic degradation of persistent antibiotics in water Journal of Water Process Engineering Elsevier, 2024, roč. 69, č. -. S. 106706. ISSN: 2214-7144.
HAVELKA, O. aj. Reactive laser ablation in acetone towards phase-controlled nonequilibrium Iron- and Nickel-Bi2O3 nanoalloys Applied Surface Science Elsevier, 2023, roč. 641, č. DEC. S. neuvedeny (14 stran). ISSN: 0169-4332.
HAVELKA, O., BRAUN, J., ABDALLAH, S. I. a TORRES MENDIETA, R. O. Laser-assisted Control of Bismuth Doping in Magnetic Nanoparticles NANOCON Conference Proceedings - International Conference on Nanomaterials TANGER Ltd., 2022 S. 267 – 272. ISBN: 978-808836509-9, ISSN: 2694-930X.
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